September 13 update

It’s been two weeks since our last post here and a lot has happened.

Last Friday John started taking the chemo pill, but unfortunately it led to some intolerable side effects. As you know if you’ve been following this blog for awhile, he’s used to spending a lot of time on the toilet while on chemo, but this time was much more difficult as he needed help to get up and go to the bathroom several times per day. It was exhausting him so much and putting him at risk for dehydration, so after discussing it with the palliative care and oncology teams, he stopped taking the pill after only 4 days. It was basically a last resort, but the oncologist said that if it’s detracting from his quality of life, John should stop taking it.

The water pills do seem to be helping as his abdomen is no longer as distended. He finally got an appointment to get a permanent drain put in this week, but the nurse practitioner ended up canceling it. At this point he can hardly get out of bed, let alone out of the house to go to an appointment.

We have a hospital bed in our bedroom now and the nurses are going to start coming to check on him everyday instead of every other day. He might be starting to get a pressure sore on his tailbone so they want to keep a close eye on that.

The main problem facing us now is that John’s liver seems to be reaching its capacity. He’s jaundiced and more sleepy than usual. The nurse practitioner who visits us knows that John is the type of person who likes to plan ahead and have as much information as possible, so she was very frank with us. Her best guess is that he might only have days left to live. “Maybe many days,” she said, but likely not weeks, and certainly not months. We may not know exactly how long he has left, but God knows.

Hymns always comfort me. One that John and I both love is:

“What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! / What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!”

As some of you have reminded me, it’s never too late to ask God for a miracle. Thank you for reminding us that you care and are praying! Please pray that John wouldn’t have too much pain. Pray for strength for me as I look after him and the kids. Pray for Harry, Daisy, Maggie and Poppy, that they would be able to enjoy some meaningful, memorable times with their Dad in these uncertain days.

5 Replies to “September 13 update”

  1. These are times of unimaginable pain. God knows and sees each one . Praying for comfort of Spirit in these days, door each one of you. Asking Him to meet the unique needs of each one. There are so many great songs, hymns and scriptures of comfort and hope, and promise.
    I will rise
    ‘‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
    It is well
    You are in my continued prayer❤️

  2. Hello Leanne
    We are so sorry to hear about John. We are continuing to hold you, John and your family up in our prayers. We pray for God’s healing and comfort for John and also strength, courage and comfort for all of you. God is a loving God and we pray you may experience his love during this difficult time.

  3. Hello Leanne and kids and family,
    We are sad to know John departed. We are encourage with the faith and trust in God he left us and your strength and loved expressed during all the difficult times together. Our Lord Jesus promised a great reward for every work done. John is resting in eternal peace with other love ones and gospel believers gone before us. Soon as promised we gonna be with them in God’s perfect time ,” the multi gathering of all the saints, all those who are saved, all those who are listed in the book of life will come together with our King of kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ.” We continue pray for fast recovery ,comfort, courage to face this transition days ahead, a touch from God in very special way in such a time as this. Thanking God for the Holy Spirit and His word left us for comfort and guidance at all times specially in very difficult times. We love you Leanne and kids and family. let us know how we can be of help.

  4. Hi Leanne,
    I am so sorry to hear of John’s passing and I pray for God’s comfort for you and your family.
    It has been a privilege to pray for your dear husband.

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