Still in hospital

John is still at Princess Margaret and we don’t have a firm date for his coming home. He’s looking better though.

Monday he received a blood transfusion to help make him stronger, as his hemoglobin was still low. Based on the scans from the weekend, the doctors decided he did not need a liver stent.

Tuesday he was taken back to Toronto General for an endoscopy (investigating the inflammation in his upper GI tract from what I understand) then returned to Princess Margaret (through those fascinating tunnels of course). They also did a test for C. difficile which came back negative (good news).

He is still getting IV antibiotics for the pneumonia and they’re continuing to monitor his low hemoglobin and high bilirubin. His fever seems to have settled down (more good news).

It would be really nice if he could come home before our daughter’s 9th birthday on Saturday, but the doctors seem reluctant to make any promises.

Thank you for continuing to pray for John and our family, and for all the love and support!

One Reply to “Still in hospital”

  1. Thank you Leanne for keeping us updated. You are a wonderful support to John through all the ups and downs.
    We continue to pray for him and for your family.

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