My pancreas

Leanne and I eventually made it to Princess Margaret yesterday…on separate trains. (We will have to monitor the frequency of 1pm Blue Jays games in the future as they tend to fill up both parking lots at Aldershot GO station.) The study nurse went through the consent form, asked me a ton of health questions, and proceeded to have her colleagues administer a few more tests. We then raced across the street to Toronto General Hospital for my CT scan.

About an hour later, I received a phone call from the study oncologist while on the train headed home (with my wife this time). She said that my pancreas enzyme levels were very, very high and would likely prevent me from participating in the study. She and my oncologist in Kitchener have no idea why the levels are so high, especially when I am not having the typical related symptoms. To try and reduce the levels of these enzymes, I am having 3 days of IV fluids at home. They used my port which means my arms are free which is really great. I will get a blood test on Monday locally and find out the results on Tuesday. If the levels do not show improvement I will not be part of the study.

Again, please pray for God’s will regarding this study. On the one hand, considering how new and small it is, the side effect risks could be high and unknown. On the other hand, maybe it does have high potential to do some good. God knows what is best for me!

Regardless of the trial, please pray that my pancreas enzyme levels go down. I’ve been told to go to the ER if I start having abdominal pain and vomiting. I haven’t had time to look it up yet but I don’t think there is anything good about pancreatitis.


Here is a nice little song from Weird Al in case you want to learn more about pancreases.