3 Years

Well, I just had my cancer-versary on December 26, 2021. The year 2022 will be my fourth year of chemotherapy. I’m very thankful that God in His mercy has allowed me to outlive my doctors’ expectations.

We continue to be amazed and grateful that my treatments are still working. The reduced, more tolerable dosage seems to be having less of an effect on my CEA levels but it is still moving in the right direction (down). I had a CT scan a few weeks ago which confirms this.

I finally received the results of my definitely-not-free genetic test. It took so long because my blood samples got stuck in US customs and were no longer usable. The chances of the test providing any useful information was slim (think needle-in-a-haystack) but data is always a good thing. The test did indicate my cancer has a gene that will open the door to more treatments in the future. I won’t pretend I understand much about it but it sounds like the test was not a complete waste of money.

Since my current (first) treatment regimen is still working we won’t be taking any action on alternative treatments right now but it is VERY nice to have options.

Speaking of my current treatment, it has been quite bearable. I have even been looking forward (a bit) to my chemo weekends when I get to eat hotdogs! (When you’re on chemo you eat whatever you can keep down. Right now hotdogs work for me.) My bowels are mostly under control, and my nausea hasn’t been an issue for a long time now. My rash is bugging me a bit, especially on my face, but I have a new powerful steroid ointment to try.

I have done 10 treatments since September and will have 8 more before another break. I’ll probably take the summer off.

Living with cancer is not fun but it is living. 

The Clark's Christmas 2021

Poppy will be walking any day now. She is a fast crawler and has siblings who enjoy carrying her around the house too. She turns 1 on February 26.

The kids are doing a homeschool unit on Australia and Oceania, which has involved trying many interesting recipes. For my part, I am currently reading the Narnia series to Harry and Daisy in chronological order. We are on the Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Harry has been obsessively listening to Adventures in Odyssey, doing about an album a day. He and Daisy even built the town of Odyssey and a few of the characters out of Lego. As a huge AIO fan myself, I couldn’t be happier to see them enjoying my beloved series so much.

Magnolia has been creating many works of art and writing many books (pieces of paper which she asks Leanne to “stample” together). Daisy, when she is not entertaining us with her nativity puppet show starring Mickey Mouse, is asking delightfully literal questions. Probably one of my favourite jobs as a parent is answering their questions.

Please continue to pray that God will heal me, if it’s His will. I hope and pray that He will continue working through my doctors to keep me alive.

The last time the nurse came to our house to unhook my chemo bottle, she looked at our kids and said, “You guys are so lucky!” Maybe that’s a strange thing to say to a cancer patient, but when I look back on the past three years I have to say, God really has been good to us.

One Reply to “3 Years”

  1. Great to hear you are doing well John. We continue to pray for you and you family . You are also prayed for by the group every Wednesday evening. God is good and answers prayer. Your faith and attitude is an inspiration. God bless you, Leanne and those beautiful kids.

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