
Excluding the 2 nights I was home after the initial study tests, I spent 11 nights in the hospital.

I’ve had more tests than I can even remember and some that I was sure were unnecessary based on my symptoms and was proven correct.

Anyway, basically I am never going back to Princess Margaret again. I have been removed from the study as they are worried future treatments will require similar length hospital stays.

Since I will not be on treatment, the next conversation with the Toronto oncologist was palliative care. It sounded incredibly complicated having having to deal with my local hospitals and home care. I assume they will figure it out.

My Toronto oncologist has suggested I have less than 3 months to live. (Note: This same oncologist said the same thing 9 months ago.)

All hope is not quite lost though. God can still heal me and there is still a potentially new (non-trial) drug from Japan that my Kitchener oncologist has been trying to get for me. He said it would be a good backup if the Toronto trial didn’t work. Studies have shown that this can add 3-4 months lifespan for someone with my diagnosis. I hope to speak to him ASAP.

Note: To any of my clients reading this, I am rapidly preparing everything I can to make sure my death does not impact your businesses. This is VERY important to me.

Having left the hospital, I have so fewer interruptions that I can get some work done. Four kids is nothing compared to the craziness of the hospital.

Prayer requests seem a little more difficult this time.

I think most importantly, pray for my family, to deal with my potentially soon death and to take care of me when I start needing more assistance.

I don’t think it would be a bad idea to pray for a miracle.