

They could not get me a bed at Princess Margaret on Friday, so they took me to Toronto General Hospital through the secret tunnels connecting the hospitals below street level. They were pretty cool. Then I was dumped into their overcrowded ER department to wait for a bed.

Leanne and Harry arrived shortly after I did. I didn’t bring any overnight supplies, most importantly my glasses (I am blind without them) so Leanne went all the way home to get them and a few other things. She spent around 12 hours of her day travelling between Cambridge and Toronto. On the second trip she brought Harry along, because what kid doesn’t like riding trains and exploring tunnels?


I spent almost 24 hours in the hallways of Toronto General. I had a chest x-ray, another CT scan and of course countless blood draws. Eventually a bed opened up back at Princess Margaret on Saturday afternoon, so I got to ride through the tunnels again.

It sounds like they have decided I do not need a liver stent, however the chest scan showed that apparently I have pneumonia. I am continuing to receive antibiotics which should help treat the infection in my lungs.

I wouldn’t mind having a quieter roommate, however once you’ve spent the night sleeping in the hallway of an emergency department, you would be surprised what you can tolerate.

Thanks for continuing to pray for me during this ordeal. I don’t know yet when I will get to come home, but it could be Tuesday at earliest.