
My latest CT scan wasn’t too surprising. There were again signs of continued tumour growth in my liver and lungs and it looks like there is a new nodule on my pancreas.

The current chemotherapy may still be helping to slow down the growth so it makes sense to continue on this treatment at least for a few more cycles.

To help combat my biggest liver tumourĀ I will be having 5 days of radiation treatment in London starting May 10. Hopefully this will reduce the size of my biggest liver tumour which may also help my current chemotherapy to be able to attack this tumour better as well.

Prayer requests:

  • Please pray that the radiation will help and for Leanne as she takes me to London for each of the treatments.
  • My oncologist has given me a new prescription to help with fatigue. Please pray that it works.
  • We will be leaving for a vacation with most of the kids this week on May 1. Please pray for our safety and that my health won’t cause any significant challenges or expenses on our trip.